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  Over 40,000 positive reviews

How Muscle and Joint Massage Gel Supports Post-Workout Healing

Joint pain can be a major hindrance to leading an active lifestyle, particularly for parents who juggle multiple responsibilities and busy individuals with packed schedules. Utilizing targeted massage therapy, especially with a specialized joint and muscle massage gel, can greatly alleviate discomfort associated with joint pain.

Vegan Wellness

Vegan Beauty Products  Welcome to our blog post about vegan beauty products!  In today's world, more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of using natural and sustainable products, not only for their...

5Kind launches a new high concentration Arnica Massage Lotion

Pain relief techniques Dealing with muscle pain and soreness can be a frustrating experience, especially if it hinders your daily activities. While there are various pain relief techniques available, one that has gained significant popularity...

CBD Patches latest launch by 5Kind

CBD Patch BenefitsCBD, short for cannabidiol, has gained significant popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits. While CBD can be consumed in various forms such as oils, edibles, and capsules, transdermal patches have...

5kind Sponsor Bristol Flyers Basketball Team

5kind Sponsors Bristol Flyers Basketball Team and Te'Jon Lucas  We are excited to announce that 5kind has signed a sponsorship deal with the Bristol Flyers basketball team. This is a great opportunity for us to...

Man of the Match -Jelani Watson Gayle

MAN OF THE MATCH-POWERED BY 5KIND Only gone and grabbed the man of the match award for todays game vs Newcastle Falcons....well done Jelani...powered by 5KIND..

Ólympíufarar elska það Down Under

Hér er vinur okkar Casey, fyrrverandi ólympískur norrænn skíðamaður í Ástralíu, er mikill aðdáandi 5kind nuddkremanna. Norræn skíði er ein erfiðasta íþróttin til að æfa fyrir og reynir mikið á vöðvana. Eftir erfiða daga á...

Hemp Active Gel er sigurvegari á Íslandi

Nú þegar vetrarmánuðirnir eru á næsta leiti, þar sem hitastigið lækkar jafnt og þétt, er kominn tími til að ná í þessi yndislegu hampigel og krem. Til að nudda og slaka á vöðvum og liðum...

Leiðandi íþróttasjúkraþjálfari notar 5Kind Hemp Gel og 5Kind Extra Strong Cream

Hér er Regan Miles yfirsjúkraþjálfari hjá Torquay United Football Club, með 5Kind Hemp Active Gel og 5Kind Extra Strong Hemp Cream sem hann notar í nudd með liðinu. Gelin og kremin sameina fjölda náttúrulegra olíu...